
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Finally some sunshine...!!!


After getting trapped in the stuffy gym for a good week, the sun came out and made for a nice workout environment...

Regina getting stronger with static pull up holds... She said she thought she had good upper body strength until she started working out with us...

We really don't haze our newcomers. Here Lindsay and Williams get to work on our Baseline Workout and getting that good full range of motion on their push ups...

CF Yongsan Baseline Workout

800 meter run
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Williams - 10:23
Lindsay - 10:30

Great job guys!!!

We played around with handstand holds after the warm up and before the workout. Newcomer Rob showing off a strong handstand next to LT Tomsik...

Trigg got us started playing around with our one-armed handstands...

Secret-gymnast Tomsik pulls a nice one-armed handstand...

CrazyHusband was not to be out done...

Our group workouts are always harder than "normal" workouts but they always seem more fun so we keep doing them... Great job guys!!!

2-person teams both complete one iteration of the following to complete one round.

7 rounds for time of:

200 meter run
5 burpees
10 sit ups
15 squats

Regina/Trigg - 24:54
Ryan/Kyeong - 26:07
C.H./Rob - 26:15
Tomsik/Tomsik - 29:33

Trigg with his signature "Burpee" move... Yeah, burpees...!!!

CrazyMonkey finishing up his own workout with some hill sprints...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Trigg's BDay WOD... CrazyMonkey's show!!!

In honor of Trigg's 25th birthday, we put together a special WOD for everyone:

25 air squats
25 sit ups
25 lunges
25 push ups
25 V-ups
25 dips
25 knees to elbows
25 burpees
25 calorie row
25-second handstand hold
25 pull ups

Trigg, Kyeong and Regina tackled this one and there was grumpiness and sweating going on all over the racquetball court. This one's a keeper...

CrazyMonkey was in on the action from the CrossFit Warm Up we do before every workout. He is starting to mimic everything we do... He's looking good here doing the Samson Stretch with Regina...

Here's C.M. doing "push ups" with Kyeong...

Here he gets after a pretty good looking Burpee...

To include the jump at the end... Nice ups CrazyMonkey...
Trigg showing off a pretty nice handstand... If he tried to touch his ears with his shoulders (shrug harder) he would open up that shoulder all the way and his torso would get a little more vertical. Virtuosity is what the gymnasts call the strive for perfection. We are shooting for a 10.0 on all of our workouts, even while the intensity is kicking our butts...

Not to be out done, CrazyMonkey perfects his own handstand...

Here Regina looks perfect in her alternating lunge form. Her head and torso are very upright and her front knee is not out over her toes...

In this lunge, she is starting to fatigue and her "abs" are not holding her torso as upright so she starts to lunge forward rather than straight up and down and her front knee is starting to move past 90 degrees and over her toes which causes a strain in the knee joint...
Despite a killer workout, CrazyMonkey wasn't tired and still wanted to "fight"...
He thinks he has the advantage but I still have him inside my "guard". I won't show him any Combatives tricks until he's already kicking my butt...

They motivated me so much that I thought I would try to nail a one-armed handstand. I couldn't tell exactly where my feet where so I didn't pull it off this time. Had I allowed my feet to rotate more to the right, that left hand would have just floated off the ground and I could have held it up while supporting my weight only on my right.

Accuracy, Balance, Agility and Coordination should be a part of our workout too...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dumbbell Bear

Dumbbell Bear Complex

Perform the following every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Thrusters

Trigg - 35#DB - 20 rounds unbroken
CrazyHusband - 40#DB - 14+4
Ryan - 25# - 14+4
Tomsik - 20#DB - 14+4

Newcomer Thompson hit her own WOD of:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

3 push ups
3 sit ups
3 squats

Great job everyone!!!

And we only had to move 5 benches to make enough room for a real workout...

Loving the pained look on everyone's faces... Not sure why that motivates us to work harder...

Tomsik with a perfect lockout at the top. He is ready to increase the intensity...

CrazyMonkey trying to get in on the action... CrazyWife wouldn't let him use two dumbbells...

this time...

Thompson focusing on getting deep squats... pretty good for day one...

Getting our sweat on...

Ryan getting his money's worth...

I'm hoping this was at the end of the workout but it happened a couple more times during the workout and CrazyMonkey has been known to get some quality shots with his unorthodox camera-man techniques...

We were all glad when it was over...

Thanks CrossFit, may I have another...

Saturday workout changed to 1300hrs

Due to the USFK Stand Down for Standards we are meeting at 1300 today instead of our usual 0800.

See you there...

Sent from my iPhone

FRIDAY 090424

10-min workouts: just two little workouts today for the few brave souls who keep showing up on Friday afternoons...

Max reps in 10 minutes of Air Squats:

Kyeong - 259
Trigg - 248
Ryan - 230
LT Forsyth - 184

Max reps in 10 minutes of Push Ups:

Kyeong - 104
Trigg - 166
Ryan - 88
LT Forsyth - 93

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Workout Potluck


Everyone "chose" their own workout today. Actually they picked their least favorite out of two exercises and that determined which workout they got stuck with.

Everyone did as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes...

Trigg got to lead the way with a little Cindy...

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Trigg - 18 rounds

Jae and LT Forsyth got mini-Cindy...

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
3 pull ups
6 push ups
9 squats

Jae - 18 rounds
LT Forsyth - 16 rounds

The girls pick "burpees"...

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
3 pull ups
6 burpees
9 squats

Kyeong - 15 rounds
LT Tomsik - 13 squats

The whimpy boys picked "sit ups"...

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
3 burpees
6 sit ups
9 squats

Tomsik - 16 rounds
Ryan - 25 rounds

Ryan and Tomsik were neck and neck heading into these burpees...

Jae using his WHOLE body to get those pull ups. I wonder if his abs got sore just from doing pull ups...

I can never resist the pictures with people using perfect form (all the way up and all the way down) or the ones with people giving it their all. Great effort LT!!!

LT Forsyth and Trigg getting great depth on their squats. Trigg has been working hard to improve his hip flexiblity and that hard work is paying off. Now if I can just keep his chest up so he maintains a good arch in his lower back...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Eating right made easy...

Raining Medicine Balls

It was raining cats and dogs outside so we ended up stuck inside with the workers fabricating the stage for a concert(?).

I threw a weird one at them today. Moving medicine balls back and forth over an imaginary volleyball net. Lots of squatting and throwing and sweating was had by all...

After the warm up, we played around with handstands since the mats were out on the gym floor.

Everyone had to get the rotation down from catcher to thrower and back again...

Here Regina demonstrates some little used areas of fitness, namely accuracy, agility, balance and coordination. How often does your workout hit those areas...???


and throwing... are all functional movements that will translate perfectly to everyday activities...

Newcomer Cooper got a lot of personal attention to get his squat technique ironed out. Proper parallel squats require above average hip flexibility and a movement pattern that can be challenging for some people. Cooper worked hard, and sweated up a storm and was rewarded with a drastically improved squat in just one workout. Great job Cooper!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Anonymous Strikes Again!!!

Anonymous said...

18 April 2009, as usual Crazy Wife and Crazy Husband have impressed me with crossfit. To be honest aerobics and spinning have nothing on this workout. To be around people who are willing to test their limits is motivating. I hope Collier will implement Crossfit as one of the workout programs at the gym.

April 18, 2009 4:28 AM

I swear that we are not paying Chief to spread the word about our workout community. She is just excited by all the good things she has already experienced after just three workouts. Imagine how she'll feel after a dozen...

Imagine how you'll feel after you try CrossFit...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Heavy Thrusters

Today we had our largest Saturday group in a while but we still managed to squeeze into the dreary confines of the gym for some heavy weight lifting.

We worked on the CrossFit Warm Up (CFWU) and then got to work refining our technique on thrusters. Thrusters are a combination Front Squat and Overhead Press that is coordinated into one movement. It requires a lot of hip drive out of the bottom to help get the heavier weights over your head so it's not as much a shoulder press as an explosive hip drive that moves the weight.

Kyeong getting after our obligatory pull ups in every warm up. Pull ups are one of the best upper body exercises around but no one likes them because they can be very, very difficult.

Ryan showing good extension at the top while David works to correct his foot placement. The personalized coaching you recieve during every CrossFit workout is invaluable in getting your technique perfected as quickly as possible. Proper technique drastically reduces your risk of injury in the weight room. Throwing around too much weight with crappy technique almost insures some kind of injury.

Doc Baker showing off his "guns" while lifting heavy. Who says you can't get ripped from "just doing CrossFit". This program will make you stronger very quickly.

Ryan working up to some serious weight with the heavy thrusters...

CrazyMonkey always wants to get into the action. You don't meet many kids these days that throw a mega-tantrem when their workout gets cut short...

Chief Johnson working hard to lock out that weight overhead. Gaining strength throughout the entire range of motion around a joint like the shoulder will go a long way toward preventing future injuries.

Newcomer Tierra demonstrating near-perfect form on her squat with an extremely vertical back. That kind of flexibility and body control makes balancing that weight near your shoulders much easier than if you are bent over. Efficient movement patterns are the key to moving large loads, long distances, quickly...

Newcomer Regina concentrating hard on her form in the front squat portion of the thruster. Notice her squat is nice and deep and she has not lost the nice lumbar curve in the small of her back. She is a natural with perfect looking thrusters on day one. Can't wait to see how she throws the weight around in a few weeks...

MadMax and CrazyMonkey sharing some of the good things in life (Lucky Charms)...

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Many CrossFit-haters have likened the attitudes of some CrossFitters to those people who are part of a cult because when someone gets bitten by the CF "bug", they usually can't shut up about fitness, speed, power, explosive hip extension, nutrition, "bad" carbs, etc...

Our latest "convert", has only been to two (2) of our workouts and she has already posted two comments to our website. Her comments motivate me beyond belief and make me want to spread the word even more. Her reaction to even a small dose of the "Kool-Aid" is similar to the stories of all of us who have instantly fallen in love with the punishment (and the RESULTS) that CrossFit regularly dishes out to those who are committed to improving their fitness and health.

A second post in a row for "Anonymous":

17 April 2009 was my first time doing a handstand and believe me I was kind of scared, but with teamwork and motivation I was able to do something I have not tried. If you try the crossfit workout you will know how much intestinal fortitude you have. You have to dig deep to complete the workouts. I am glad I came and plan on continuing.

I highlighted many of the catch-phrases that were in her thoughts. You hear many of these good buzz words when you hear about CrossFit. There are so many good things about it that it's hard to stop extolling the virtues once you get started...

Chief, you motivate me with your enthusiasm which makes me want to tackle my own workouts with more of my own enthusiasm, which will only improve my own workouts and results...

Does anyone see a vicious of motivation and improvements going on here...???

Keep up the good work Chief!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Team Workout Brutality

This workout was so bad, it doesn't have a name yet. I'm sure they'll think of one soon.

Max rep push ups
3 x handstand holds
Max rep push ups
3 x pull up hang
Max rep push ups
Bottom-to-bottom tabata squats
Max rep push ups
Reverse Tabata Sprints
Max rep push ups

Team 1 - 164 push ups/4:00 handstands/2:25 pull up holds/14 squats

Team 2 - 179 push ups/5:20 handstands/2:15 pull up holds/14 squats

Team 3 - 176 push ups/5:12 handstands/2:10 pull up holds/20 squats
CW2 Johnson

CF Yongsan Baseline Workout

800 meter run
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups

James - 7:05
Steve - 7:14
SFC Johnson - 8:56

Great job everyone!!!

Randolph showin off some serious range of motion on his push ups. All the way down to the ground and all the way locked out at the top. Beautiful work!!!

James and newcomer Steve hitting the squats in the CrossFit Yongsan Baseline Workout. 800 meter run, 40 squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups and 10 pull ups to see where our fitness is now and in a few weeks, we'll hit it again to see how much faster and stronger we've all gotten.

The guys get upside down for some handstand holds. Isometric holds are a quick and "easy" to build strength.

The girls got in on the upside down action as well. Here Chief Johnson is looking strong in her very first handstand in a long, long while. She will get more comfortable being upside down as we practice more with it. Having good body awareness is a trademark of all CrossFitters. It allows us to learn and play new sports or activities without too much trouble.

The obligatory Randolph straining sighting. You can always tell how hard he's working. Awesome isn't it?!?!!???

Static pull up holds are another isometric "movement" to rapidly build upper body strength.

Teamwork and helping each other is all part of the genius that is CrossFit. Come check us out.