We hit 15 rounds of Chelsea today:
Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes perform:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Doc Baker - 15 rounds (Rx'd)
Trigg - 15 (Rx'd)
Jae - 15
Henry - 15
Ryan - 11 rounds (Rx'd) + 3 more rounds
Randolph - 10/3
Robinson - 3/10
Julia - CFY Baseline workout - 6:38
Great job everyone!!!
Randolph finally ready to warm up now that the camera is out.
Henry doing a good job monitoring everyone's warm up before his big vacation. See you next month Henry!!!
Look Ma, No Bands!!! Doc Baker and Trigg hitting their pull ups "au natural", without any bands.
Ryan working hard to get that chin over the bar on every rep. Randolph demonstrating some new "Rated PG-13" pull up technique. Robinson trying to catch up...
Seeing Ryan work on the timing of his kipping pull ups obviously makes me smile. Kipping is not "cheating". It allows you to turn a difficult strength exercise (the Pull up) into a full body exercise that incorporates the explosiveness of your hips and transfers your lateral swing on the bar into vertical movement. This makes the pull ups "easier" which allows you to do more pull ups which translates into more Work which is equal to Power which is equal to INTENSITY and that is what we are looking for in all of our workouts. More INTENSITY please!!!
Julia fighting through the CF Yongsan "Baseline" workout on her own. It really wasn't punishment for showing up late I promise...
Randolph is showing off his vast improvement in his squat form. Now that is doesn't have to think about keeping his knees "out" when he gets into the bottom of the squat, is body is adapting (getting more flexible) quite well. Perfect form!!!
Jae showing off perfect for on the squat. Technique, Consitency, then Intensity. Jae is ready for more INTENSITY!!!
I wouldn't be a CrossFit Yongsan without an obligatory shot of Randolph grimacing in pain...
CrazyMonkey demonstrating the perfect squat. This is a great example of functional movement. It demonstrates how our bodies are naturally designed to move, without having to be "taught".
CrazyMonkey out squatting the shutter on CrazyWife's mondo-expensive camera...
Here is our CrossFit Yongsan Family!!! They don't look too bad after that workout, I guess I'll have to start making them harder...
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