
Monday, April 06, 2009


Start with 3 sets of 10 reps of whatever squat you can handle. When that gets easier, work up to 3 sets of 15 reps. When you can safely handle that, move up to a more difficult version of the squat and start over with 3 sets of 10 working up to 15s again. When that gets easier, grab a bar and do overhead squats as part of your warm up, increasing the amount of weight you put on the bar as you become able to handle 3 sets of 15 reps at each new weight.

A dynamic warm up is crucial to getting your body prepared for whatever task lies ahead. Static stretching does not do that and may increase your liklihood of getting injured if done before your workouts. A complete, dynamic warm up that gets progressively harder every time is one of the things I love about CrossFit. Find your weaknesses and make them your @#$%^&*...

The perfect place to start is the good'ole Air Squat. Feet wider than shoulder width. Toes pointed out at least 30 degrees. Back arched, chest and head are up. Raising your arms will improve the flexibility in your upper back and shoulders. Sink your butt back and down until the crease of your hip is below the knee cap. Parallel. This ensures the hamstrings and glutes are doing most of the work and helps keep the knee joint safe from dangerous half-squats...

If you don't have a bar or broomstick handy, you can do prisoner squats with your hands behind your head. Don't forget to push your elbows back as far as they will go to really work the flexiblity around your shoulder joint and upper back.

Once you have mastered those two versions of the squat, it's time to move on to the grand-daddy of warm up exercises and the best "ab" exercise EVER. Grab a broomstick or unweighted bar when you are finally ready will work your arms, shoulders, back, and abs like nobody's business. Getting good depth on the squat will improve your hip flexibility and increase the amount of power you can generate with your hips which is crucial to almost all athletic performance. Good luck...!!!

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