Lots of hard work was had by all. Great job guys. And a great welcome to Strength and Power gym here in Seoul with Terry and his boys stopping by to get in on the action.
5 rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts (95/45 pounds)
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Push press
10 Front Squats
This one lived up to it's name...
Phil maintaining pretty good form on his deadlifts. It's a little more difficult without full-sized bumper plates but that weight is going to track directly underneath your scapula, which is effectively supporting that weight with help from your shoulder girdle and arms.
I'd like to see a wee bit more curve in his lower back so I know it's locked in and safely supporting all that weight. I'd also like to see his head turned down just slightly, to take that tension out of his cervical spine. Proper technique ensures safe lifts every time.
Ryan working hard to keep that weight moving. He's been getting stronger and dropping weight like crazy just this last week since he started cleaning up his diet. Remember it's simple, but it takes work. Meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little startch no sugar. Period. Great job Ryan!!!
Why does Randolph always look sooo tired at these workouts. Could it be that CrossFit is designed to kick your butt!?!?!!! I know he is always working hard. Great job Randolph!!!
Maintaining that intensity is the key to reaching all of your fitness goals. Intensity is the one correlate that is most closely associated with increasing muscle mass, decreasing body fat, improving your HDL and LDL levels, lowering your heart rate, lowering your cholesterol, basically anything you can measure, gets the most boost from increasing the intensity of your workouts.
A slow, lazy 5K run every weekend can't promise you the same thing. Think about it...
Kyeong looking strong in her Front Squats, now we can start adding some weight and she can start getting... smaller (?!?!!?!!!). You thought I was going to say bigger or more "buffed" didn't you??? Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. You would have to be on a specially designed HEAVY weightlifting program with a kick butt diet and work for years to get into bodybuilder or fitness model shape.
CrossFit doesn't target your muscles specifically for hypertrophy (getting bigger) just for the sake of looks or "buffed-ness". It targets your weaknesses in FUNCTIONAL fitness, finds the "chinks in your fitness armor" and makes your stronger overall. As you get stronger you build more muscle and burn more fat and since a pound of muscle is much smaller than a pound of fat, your dress size starts to drop or your old jeans start to fit again.
Don't worry ladies, CrossFit won't give you scary muscles, it will only make you scary-strong!!! Come join us and start doing more pull ups than your boyfriend/husband/significant other...
Our mother-daughter team doing bench dips so fast we couldn't pick them up on film... Great job ladies!!!
The boys from Strength and Power didn't have any trouble powering through this workout. There was alot of sweating and a little yelling so I know they got in a great workout. Good job guys!!!
Newcomer Renee is back for more "punishment" and looking strong at the top of her push presses. We will be adding weight to her workouts very soon!!! Great job Renee!!! I know Walt will rub any sore muscles we may have caused...
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