
Saturday, June 06, 2009

One Man Show...

We had so many people show up today that I wasn't able to manage them all very well. We had a group of new ladies that got a taste of everything that CrossFit has to offer and we had the guys working on a little Fran.

I didn't get any good times for anyone and I didn't get everyone's name and I barely got some pictures taken but we were having so much fun that I don't think all that matters too much.

I will do a better job next time, I promise. I will still try to get some of today's pictures up, I'm sure there are some good ones in there somewhere.

The ladies went through the CrossFit Warm up, and then tried out some L-sits (Hannah blew them away this time after struggling mightily just a few weeks ago - can she be getting that strong already???), Handstand push ups, Wall balls (everybody loved those - we'll do those more often I think...), and finally we broke out our Women's Barbell (33lbs) and got to work learning some barbell thrusters. They got to start with some solid front squats, then moved on to shoulder presses and finally put it all together with a CrossFit original combination front squat right into a shoulder press that we just call "Thrusters". It is an amazing exercise that works your body from head to toe. There was a lot of talk about shoulder muscles and strapless dresses and that's when I had go to take pictures of the boys.

Doc Baker led them through Fran (21-15-9 rep couplet of Thrusters and pull ups) with his trusty gardening gloves and everybody hit it nice and hard. Steve joined us from up north in 2ID land and he will be back for more punishment every Saturday.

We have decided to have our first annual CrossFit WOD/Grill out. Two weeks from today we will get together for a nice workout and then we'll head to the hacienda to grill some meat and drink some carbs. Don't miss out!!!

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