We had some special guests visit us from Warrior Base between EFMB iterations. We gave them their much needed CrossFit fix with some task-oriented ''Fight Gone Bad" at our secret, undisclosed CrossFit laboratory...
3 rounds for time of:
15 wall balls (20#)
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (65#)
15 push press (65#)
15 box jumps (24")
15 calories (C2 Rower)
Rest exactly one minute between rounds
MAJ Farishon - 20:34
SPC Skilnik - 16:37
Great Work guys!!!
Holding a free standing handstand is going to take some practice...
CrazyMonkey was having a good time getting dirty...
Wall balls and sumo deadlift high pulls hit you from many different angles using many, many different muscle gr0ups as a group; they way your body was designed... No crappy isolation bodybuilding exercises here...
Fight Gone Bad is designed to replicate the metabolic demands of a 3 round MMA fight that isn't going very well...
SPC Spilnik getting some air on his box jumps...
MAJ Farishon has the best faces...
...when he's working hard... Great work boss!!!
what the hay? i want this too!