CF Yongsan took advantage of the better weather by hitting a nice Metcon outside in the elements. It was a little chilly for everyone but once we got going, no one noticed.
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 squats
15 push ups
9 squats
I owe everyone more burpees since I didn't write down everyone's times and I didn't get Dressen's friend's name down either. He liked his first workout though so I know he'll be back. Everyone hit this one hard, mostly so they could get back inside and out of the wind...
Crazy Husband
Dressen's friend
Trigg and newcomer Nick getting after the pull ups...
Dressen looking good working on his "Pose" running form...
CrazyHusband pullin some heavy weight up over the bar...
Kyeong sporting some great squat form. She is ready to crank up the intensity to really see the benefit of these workouts...
Henry wanted to give in to this workout but we were all there to cheer him on and he finished strong. Great job man!!!
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