
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Need your help getting some "ICE"...



The link below is the best way to get changes implemented to facilities or services on Yongsan Garrison (specifically Collier Field House).  Every week you should add a few comments like "there isn't enough room to do CrossFit", "we need more pull up bars", or "there needs to be dedicated childcare in the evenings...", etc...

Other ideas:
There isn't a good platform for proper weightlifting (Olympic lifts: i.e snatch or clean & jerk)...
There aren't any rubber bumper plates for proper powerlifting (deadlift, squat, press)...
There aren't enough squat racks for safe powerlifting...
There aren't any women's (35-lb) or training (15-lb) barbells for beginners...
There aren't enough pull up bars for large groups...
There needs to be a climbing rope to develop upper body strength...
There isn't any space to hang gymnastic rings from the ceiling...
There are too many stupid Hammer Strength machines in the way...
Patrons should be able to sign out dumbbells or kettlebells for use in other rooms in the gym...
They need more CrossFit equipment at Collier (rowers, barbells, bumpers, pull up bars, etc...)...
They need more CrossFit trainers at Collier...
They need more CrossFit classes at Collier...

Collier Field House ICE Comments Click HERE

Thanks for the help with the WEEKLY "ICE"...

My Fitness Program can beat up your Fitness Program...

SDHP and Pushy Fran

TUESDAY 101130

Worked on heavy Sumo Deadlift High Pulls.  More great barbell work with a coordination twist...

Finished up with a quick modified Fran:

21 DB Thrusters
21 push ups
15 Thrusters
15 pull ups
9 Thrusters
9 pull ups

Ken - 45# - 4:22
Big Henry - 30# - 4:41
New Henry - 20# - 5:22
Steve - 20# - 4:05
Shaun - 20# - 5:37
Willie - 25# - 5:37
Angie - 15# - 4:41
An - 20# - 5:50
Marlene - 15# - 4:40
Nekkeya - 0# - 6:12
Amanda - 10# - 6:22
Nora - 20# - 5:57
Tran - 0#

Lots of groaning and grunting with the dumbbells and lots of bedroom faces with the sumo deadlift high pulls.  I'll have to remember to break out the camera next time...

Great work everyone!!!

Ken will be taking over Thursday and Saturday so don't miss out on some new and improved programming...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What is CrossFit?

What is CrossFit inspirational video from Diablo CrossFit on Vimeo.



11 folks showed up for some early morning Saturday sleet-busting workouts...

3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 kettlebell swings (55-lbs)
12 pull ups


Great work everyone!!!

Don't forget to sign up for beyondthewhiteboard under CrossFit Yongsan to start keeping track of your workouts for FREE...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Deadlift and Beep Test


3 guys and 3 girls showed up early for some pre-Turkey Day fun...

Deadlift 5-5-5

Marlene - 95-95-115
Erica - 95-95-115
Nora - 95-95-115
Justin - 135
Chris - 135-156-155
Craig - 135-155-155

Skills: Ring Dips

Multi-Stage 'Beep Test'

Marlene - 5-1
Nora - 4-1
Chris - 3-5

10 Things Snack Food Companies Won't Say


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey Day Workout

We will hit the gym tomorrow before we all pig out...

Thursday 25 NOV
Collier Field House

M.E. DB Thrusters and a short METCON

TUESDAY 101123

Max Effort Dumbbell Thrusters 5-5-5

Ken 75#
Nickole 35#
Marlene 25#
An 45#
Gwen 25#
Erica 30#
Justin 45#
Henry 75#
Nora 30#


400m run
20 Knees-to-Elbows
200m run
15 KTE
100m run
10 KTE

Ken - 13:08* (3x400/20)

Nickole - 9:24
Marlene - 10:43
An - 10:14
Gwen - 9:39
Erica - 10:42
Justin - 9:28
Henry - 10:40
Nora - 10:04

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dumbbell Work


Warm up:
Duck Walk
Duck Squats
Iron Cross
Samson Stretch
CrossFit Warm UP
1-2-3-4-5 rep rounds of:
Push ups
Back extensions
Sit ups
Pull ups

Skill Work:
One-arm Handstands

Workout of the Day (WOD):
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5
Dumbbell Push Press 3-3-3
Dumbbell Push Jerk 1-1-1

Tabata Sprints
8 rounds of 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest at 12% Incline and 5.0 Speed.

NY Mike - 45-60-45-4.5
Nora - 20-20-20-5.0
Gwen - 20-20-20-6.0
Amanda - 30-30-35-5.0
Nekkeya - 30-30-35-5.0
Eric - 45-55-50-C2 rower
Chris - 60-70-80-C2
Dan - 45-50-45-5.0
Eddie - 55-60-60-C2

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Skill Work

TUESDAY 101116

Threw alot at everyone today and they did great.  Started with some mobility work and then tackled the CrossFit Kinnick Bodyweight Warm Up from beyondthewhiteboard...

CF Kinnick BW Warm Up:
3 rounds of 30 seconds of each exercise with a continuously running clock for 6 straight minutes:

pull ups
push ups
sit ups (butterfly)

Record total number of reps for all movements at the end.

Nickole - 174
Nora - 156
Gwen - 172 (first day - Great Job!!!)
Ken - 196
Marlene - 170
Henry - ~140
Chris - ~180
Angie - bad wrist
Willie - 159
Eric - ~180
Dan - one round
Tran - first day
An - first day

Buy in:

500m row
2-minute Challenge Double Unders


Multi-stage fitness test (beep test)

This is a 20-meter shuttle run used in Australia for fitness testing.  We ran a little bit too far tonight (25 meters) so we will redo this one in the near future.  Sorry guys...

Cash Out:

handstand push ups
pistols (one-legged squats)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rowing 101113

Row Henry Steve Frank Nickole Nekkeya CW
100m (10) 19.1 19.7 24.9 23.9 22.4 19.7
500m (5) 1:58 1:55 2:09 2:03 1:57 1:49
1000m (3) 4:29 4:12 4:21 4:25 4:38 4:20
500m (7) 2:04 1:58 2:02 2:06 2:15 1:56
100m (10) 18.6 18.6 22.7 21.2 20.1 19.2

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

AMRAP 15 min

 TUESDAY 101109
 AMRAP 15 of: 5 Pushups, 10 Situps, 15 Squats
Nickole - 15 rounds
Angie - 14 rounds
Willie - 18 rounds

Monday, November 08, 2010

CF Cancelled due to Snow!

Well the possibility of snow and not being able to be indoors (Collier is closed for the Soldier Show).  We will also be canceled Thursday due to road closures. We'll see how Saturday looks, so check back this week!


Thursday, November 04, 2010

Saturday 5k run

Team, we are going to run the 5k fun run on Saturday at 0930.  Sign up at 0900, warm up inside, line up to run at 0925...

Be sure and wear your CrossFit Yongsan tshirt.  We will bring some if you still don't have one...

If you are coming from off post like Frank and you want to run, meet at Gate 17 (ICHON Station) at 0850.  Shoot us an email and/or text message so I know how many seats I need...

See you Saturday...

Stay posted for next week's workouts.  Collier Field House will be closed all week for the G20 Summit so we may have to workout outside on Tuesday if the weather is nice enough.  Thursday will probably get scratched all together.  Saturday we may be able to do outside if it's warm enough.  Stay tuned...


At the sign in...
Nora ready to run...
The whole gang...
Willie wins the stroller division...
Chris having a talk with his Newtons...
Neil wins the barefoot division...
Willie finishing strong...
COL Sim gets yet another run t-shirt...
COL Ackerman finishes strong...
CrazyHusband wins the Clydesdale barefoot division...
Nora and Marlene finish together...
Angie finishes with lots of support...

Dumbbell Bear Complex (15-min)


Perform the following every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

5 dumbbell deadlifts
5 dumbbell hang power cleans
5 dumbbell thrusters

Record the number of rounds you complete within the 60 seconds plus any additional rounds.

Willie - 15 rounds (25#)
Chris - 15 rounds (35#)
Neil - 15 rounds (35#)
Tyler - 15 rounds (25#)
Marlene - 15 rounds (15#)
Nickole - 15 rounds (20#)
Diana - 15 rounds (15#)
Nora - 15 rounds (20#)
Angie - 14 rounds (20#)
Erica - 15 rounds (15#)
Henry - 15 rounds (30#)
Dan - 15 rounds (25#)

Don't forget to sign up at if you want an easy way to track your progress...

AMRAP 20 Ladder

TUESDAY 101102

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

Run 50m (basketball court down and back)
1 push up - 1 sit up - 1 squat
Run 50m
2 push ups - 2 sit ups - 2 squats
Run 50m

Neil - 20 rounds + run
Ken - 18 rounds + run
Tyler - 16 rounds
Eric - 18 rounds
Chris - 16 rounds + 17 squats
  (squats - sit ups - pull ups)
Willie - 18 rounds  + run
Nickole - 13 rounds (15-min)
Angie - 16 rounds + run
Diana - 16 rounds
Marlene - 18 rounds
Erica - 20 rounds of 1-10 / 1-10
Henry - 12 rounds (15-min)

Monday, November 01, 2010

Bear Crawl - Long Jump


Mobility Warm up

5 squats
samson stretch
5 push ups
5 sit ups
5 supermans
5 pull ups
duck walks (fwd/back)
duck squats
arm rotations
hip rotations
iron cross
pull ups


kettlebell swings


3 rounds for time of:

bear crawl (50ft - half court)
long jump (50ft - half court)
** every 3 long jumps perform 3 burpees

Neil - 3:11 (5 rounds)
Jim - 4:00 (5 rounds)
Frank - 3:36
Nickole - 4:08
Nora - 4:09
Nekkeya - 4:36
Henry - 4:38
Kelly - 5:40