Just about had a mutiny keeping everyone (Hannah!!!) out of the 5K fun run today. Glad she didn't give in to the fun and she embraced the "suck" with the rest of us.
Pretty good flexibility for an "old guy". Thanks CrossFit (and yoga)...!!!
Gave Doc Baker the 20-pound vest today to try to slow him down. It's kinda sad that I still outweighed him by 57 pounds with my own personal weight vest (thanks Taco Bell...!!!).
We wore out the sidewalk today with our sprints. Getting faster every week. Too bad all the 5k runners can't say the same thing...
LaToya getting after some pull ups in the warm up and Hannah workin hard with all of her Thrusters. She did so many that she lost count...
Today's WOD:
Army APFT CrossFit style...
1 round for time:
82 push ups
92 sit ups
2-mile run
Doc Baker - 24:48* (with 20-lb best)
David - 21:11
"Toya" - 23:14 (46 PU, 82 SU, 2-mi Run)
CrazyHusband - 24:31
Nekkia picked a different workout today. I thought the burpees would scare her off but they didn't. She had to run 1 mile and complete 100 burpees for time. Great job girl!!!
CrazyMonkey always looking for another good workout...
How many kids do you know that throw a fit if they DON'T get to workout...!!!
hey i just saw a great video on how to rx calluses. maybe want to put it on cfy too?