
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Strictly Saturdays...

CrossFit Yongsan is contracting it's hours for the holidays/winter.
Class sizes were dwindling and folks are starting to take leave so we
will only meet on Saturday mornings at 8am. Sorry for any

If you are visiting Korea or just want a good CrossFit butt-kicking,
shoot us a note and we can schedule a one-on-one.

Mike & Lillian


  1. I wanted to give you all props.. the comments on the right side of the page are awesome
    " WORKOUTS ARE ALWAYS FREE " Unbelievable !!! If I was still at Kunsan, i would see you all every weekend !!

    Keep up the great work !!!

  2. Thanks T-hoe, we would've adjusted our start time to late in the day if you were going to be coming up from Kunsan every weekend...
