Friday, September 23, 2011
CF Yongsan is no more...
More weight dropping excuses was the final straw that broke this camel's back. First, the hamsters were worried about the equipment as weights were being gloriously dropped... But it's all our own equipment (the only thing that Collier Field House owns in the Anti-CrossFit space are the wooden boxes that we ordered from the wood shop for them and some seriously overpriced 'sit up' bars). Then they were worried about the poor little linoleum flooring... Sorry, just indestructible concrete. Then it was just too loud... Ever tried to concentrate in a workout during a Zumba class??? Finally, they got creative and we were dropping the weights from 'above the norm'... What 'norm' do you say? Good question. There aren't really any 'rules' posted anywhere for Collier Field House other than putting collars on all your weights - cuz we all know that those little spring collars are dripping with safety features. So despite Garrison's claims that they are in favor of CrossFit and functional fitness for Soldiers (more on the Trent Gym debacle later...), we are still at the mercy of they retired Colonel mafia and the perpetually complaining military spouse club (where did my favorite thigh burning machine go anyway...???).
You can go to our CrazyWife CrossFit site to see the humble beginnings of CrossFit Yongsan. Yes, our first workout in early 2009 was Fight Gone Bad at Trent Gym (on a Saturday, at 8am) and yes, we crammed all the equipment into our little white car and drove it all to the gym and unloaded it ourselves. Why, because there is never any real weightlifting equipment in an MWR-run 'Globo' gym. Still isn't. Google 'Operation Phoenix' and Marine Corps to see how far their version of MWR will go to keep this equipment out of the hands of our Warriors. I mean an hour on the elliptical and sitting in the thigh-extension machine is good enough to get you up those mountains in Afghanistan right?
We quickly moved to Collier Field House because it had an actual parking lot and more 'stuff' inside. This was before you could move any of that 'stuff' around mind you. There was no dumbbell room in the back racquetball court and we got 'complaints' for daring to move dumbbells out of the weight room and into the racquetball courts or the gym floor for a (gasp) workout. So we were still bringing a car load of equipment to every workout and trying to get things done around the single solitary squat rack at Collier or in one of said racquetball courts since there was no space to workout (too many stupid Nautilus machines and ellipticals taking up all the floor space).
Since there were no pull up bars inside Collier, we were happy to move outside when it warmed up in the Spring/Summer of '09. We ran a lot of boring run-pull up-push up-sit up-squat-kettlebell swing workouts that summer. This was the same time that a little round man named Henry walked by and said, "hey, is this CrossFit?" Henry has a superior command of the obvious to this day. September 2009 brought Fight Gone Bad 4 and we dragged all of our equipment from home and put on a pretty killer event all by ourselves. Marine Corps 'Mike' raised like $500 by himself by going to AAFES and some other places on post. Great kid. By October, CrazyWife was ready to pop so we got a month long vacation in Hawaii when Baby Toa was ready to come out. In December, we bounced around in the back weightroom, cramming five or ten of us around the little squat rack, trying not to get in the bench pressers way too much.
Spring/Summer of 2010 and CrazyHusband went off to school for the summer and CrazyWife grew our little CrossFit group of 3-5 regulars into a dozen regulars. That and she scored the shed of pain during one final ridiculous equipment drop off in front of the Saturday 5k crew with a carload of equipment, a toddler and a baby in tow. September brought Fight Gone Bad 5 and our trip/workout at the DMZ with CrossFit Bonifas. Back inside for the winter and our own racquetball court (after 15-20 of us got kicked out three times by the only two racquetball players in Korea). We ended up with space above the racquetball court to store our equipment (Collier is still lacking), Mr. Jackson created the dumbbell room in the other racquetball court and ordered a boatload of dumbbells and the kettlebells that are in there now. We were finally able to move said dumbbells around so we finally weren't getting in trouble for bringing them into the racquetball court or the gym. Remember the blue mats and barbells on the gym floor??? But once volleyball started, we and our 20-40 CrossFitters per class got kicked off the gym floor due to "safety" reasons with flying volleyballs and those most dangerous volleyballers. We also had complaints about all the kids since we were running childcare on our own since there isn't any at Collier during the busiest time to workout after work. Anyone seeing a trend here??? We once again cancelled classes for the winter and hunkered down until the spring thaw allowed us back out into the shed of pain.
One killer ICE Comment later and we got to sit down with the garrison commander and see his master plan for supporting functional fitness at Collier and Trent. All of these big changes were to be complete by June 2011. We weren't holding our breath.
2011 brought lots of summer weightlifting ('Running Sucks') in the shed of pain after we brought our own barbells and bumpers back out of hiding from Camp Kim and started working out outside. The CrossFit Games Open Sectionals brought us some memorable workouts and a trip to Okinawa, Japan to support Chris at Regionals. September brought the functional fitness renovations (three months late and without equipment) and Fight Gone Bad 6 and our first real workout in the new Anti-CrossFit room. Raising $5,000 for those charities will be the highlight of our 3-year tour in Korea. Thanks again guys.
So here we are. They've complained us out of an effective workout in just two short weeks. At least we still have all those dumbass mirrors so we watch our form on the bicep curls. Who wants to do handstand push ups anyway? Too unsafe for me...
What is the future of CrossFit in Yongsan??? Stay tuned...
Final WOD
Bitter sweet ending to the CFYongsan run. 6 newbies show up out of the blue and we have to smack'em with the news that they can't come back. More on that later.
We hit the 'mega' warm up one last time and then went out to the track for some actual work. Thank goodness, the hamster spin class and the chubby Zumba instructor class were annoyingly loud.
Max effort 1-mile run
Monday, September 19, 2011
Tuesday 110920
These reps should be considered as challenging form work. They should be performed with a focus on speed, hip extension, and tension in the bottom position. If you don't know your 1RM, just follow this principle.
AMRAP 10 mins:
10 Pistols (Alternating Legs)s
15 Sit-up (standard)s
Post total rounds.
We all need to work on the first 2 movements of this WOD. HSPU's are obviously weak for a lot of folks. If you are good at them, there is sufficient volume in this WOD to make it challenging. If you are not, you can easily cut the numbers down and get in-WOD practice. Same with pistols.
You may not like these movements. Or you might think you suck at them. But bottom line, you train here because you want to push yourself. You train here because you want to challenge yourself. So do it. The best workouts for you to show up to are the ones you read and say to yourself "There's no way I can do that." That's how you're going to build fitness and character. -KenCFY
Sunday, September 18, 2011
FGB 6 Results
Last Name | First Name | Class | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Total |
Eubanks | Chris | A | 110 | 103 | 107 | 320 |
Barriger | Steven | A | 108 | 83 | 84 | 275 |
Moore | Patrick | A | 107 | 81 | 69 | 257 |
Rezendes | Scott | A | 98 | 76 | 71 | 245 |
Ochoa | Willie | A | 96 | 72 | 71 | 239 |
Chatriwala | Imran | A | 96 | 71 | 63 | 230 |
Waters | Travis | B | 126 | 103 | 101 | 330 |
Perkins | Mike | B | 114 | 104 | 95 | 313 |
Gunny | Dave | B | 116 | 90 | 83 | 289 |
Kumar | Sean | B | 108 | 85 | 74 | 267 |
Jung | Henry | B | 80 | 67 | 73 | 220 |
Chatriwala | Mary | B | 84 | 62 | 63 | 209 |
Amzden | Jason | C | 113 | 84 | 90 | 287 |
Perkins | Lilly | C | 100 | 95 | 77 | 272 |
Ochoa | Angie | C | 88 | 84 | 89 | 261 |
Thompson | Nora | C | 95 | 79 | 75 | 249 |
Kim | Sam | C | 95 | 66 | 66 | 227 |
Pearson | Dennis | C | 86 | 76 | 64 | 226 |
Serwon | Heather | C | 77 | 66 | 76 | 219 |
Rezendes | Mary | C | 73 | 59 | 57 | 189 |
Regner | Mary | D | 131 | 121 | 111 | 363 |
Friday, September 16, 2011
Fight Gone Bad 6
WHO: everyone (beginners too!!!)
WHAT: FGB6 workout/fundraiser
WHEN: 0800-1100 SAT 17 SEP 11
WHERE: Collier Field House (inside)
WHY: raise money for Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Infant Swim Resource and Camp Patriot
How hard could 17 minutes be...???
Press-Push Press-Push Jerk
Press 5-5-5
Push press 3-3-3
Push jerk 1-1-1
Great work everyone!!!
Remember we are not just dropping weights from overhead straight to the ground if we can help it. Bring it down to the rack position and down to your waist before dumping whenever possible...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Kids, it's time to get HOT!!! Fight Gone Bad 6 is coming up fast. This Saturday 17 September from 0800-1100. We only have 14 people signed up and we only have 9 people that have raised any money. We are almost to our goal of $3,000 dollars raised. It's time to get HOT!!! Click on FGB6 and sign up with us at Team CrossFit Yongsan. Raise $20 to workout. Raise $150 and get a free limited edition FGB6 tshirt.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tuesday 110913
For Time: (Time limit: 13 mins)
4 Rounds of:
6 Squat Snatches 95/65
60 Double Unders
Monday WOD at 0900
Thursday, September 08, 2011
CrossFit Yongsan updates...
The new CrossFit/TRX/P90X/"Functional Fitness" space is finally remodeled inside Collier Field House so we officially have room to workout inside this winter. Anyone who was there for the final (frozen) "Fran" workout outside last October can appreciate how far we've come. No more bouncing off each other in the back racquetball court and no more getting kicked off the gym floor either...
That being said, we will plan on moving all the stuff out of "the Shed of Tears" and into the Collier Field House 'CrossFit' room this SATURDAY at 0900. I will bring some stuff to wipe everything down before it goes inside so we don't get any of Henry's muddy bumper plates on the floor inside. Then we will hit a cool WOD inside to the amusement of all the 'hamsters' on the ellipticals. Lastly, we will put all of the equipment away in an orderly fashion so that other gym goers are encouraged to put things back where they found them and keep our space neat, clean and organized throughout the week. Anyone will be able to use our equipment, we only get priority during our regularly scheduled classes. (Don't forget we are dressing funny, eating crap food, and partaking adult beverages afterwards...)
Since we have room to CrossFit properly again, we no longer require a Foundations class before you can start working out. Brand new folks are welcome anytime, and can "just show up" to the next scheduled workout and we will put them through their own modified workout different than the veteran's WOD. Start bugging your friends to come and workout with us. I would like to get back to the 40 people at every class we had last fall now that we have equipment and Collier is ordering more. You can still sign up for Foundations if you want to take your workouts to the next level or if you want a nice two-hour refresher.
Our 'new' schedule will be TUE-THU from 1730-1830 and SAT from 0900-1000. Every three weeks or so, we will have a Saturday Foundations class from 1000-1200 so we don't have to cancel or move around the SAT WOD.
Veterans, this means that you have to become more autonomous. Get to the workout ON TIME and get started with the warm up. By now you should know what parts you need to warm up and how to get them there. If not, we can hold your hands and walk you through the "mega warm up"... TWICE.
Veterans, this also means that you know what the workout is when you show up. Every workout will be posted to BEYOND THE WHITEBOARD at least the night before so you can start getting equipment organized for the workout. Post your workout results to keep track of your progress.
When Collier's equipment order comes in, we will look like an actual CrossFit 'Box' with a 20-person pull up rig taking up some of our new space, 9 shiny new barbells and more bumper weights than we would know what to do with. There will also be a ton of kettlebells and dumbbells for very large group classes available for check out from the front desk for unit PT at 0600.
We still have our hard and fast rule of everyone knows everyone's name since our COMMUNITY is what makes our workout better than anything else around. If you see someone you don't recognize, introduce yourself, help them out, or ask them for help and get after it. If you don't know everyone's names when the workout starts, you owe BURPEES...!!!
Speaking of COMMUNITY, it is only two weeks until our FIGHT GONE BAD 6 workout slash fundraiser. We only have 14 people signed up on our fundraising team. Get signed up and start emailing and facebooking your family and friends. We have already raised $1,800+ and we should be able to bust $3,000. Remember you have to raise or donate $20 to do the workout on SATURDAY 17 SEPTEMBER. Raise $150 and you get a free FGB6 tshirt. We will celebrate with a post-WOD barbeque. We will also take walk-ins the day of who want to pay the $20 and try out the workout. It will be scaled to 4 ability levels: Men, Women, Intermediate and Beginner so invite everyone you know!!! We will start setting up at 0800 and go hot with the first workout NLT 0900 on 17 SEP...
Keep checking our Facebook page for the latest updates...
Thanks for all you do to make our little group great; now let's see how big we can grow it...!!!
Thrusters 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Monday, September 05, 2011
Tuesday 110906
3 rounds for time of:
15 Push Presses 95/65
15 Overhead Lunges 95/65
30 Double Unders
Compare to your results on Saturday 110521
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Foundations 11.13
CFY Baseline Workout
Power Cleans & Burpees
15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
135-lb power cleans