
Monday, August 29, 2011

Tuesday 110830

AMRAP 10 minutes

3 Squat Cleans 155/105
30 Walking Lunges

We're working under heavy load on this one. For those of you w/ moderate proficiency with the squat clean, select a weight that will definitely challenge you yet still maintain proper form.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Saturday 110827

Death by Clean & Jerk (135/95)

With a continuously running clock perform 1 clean and jerk the first minute, 2 the second min, and so on. Continue until you are not able to perform the required number of C&Js in a given minute. Post total rounds and partials.


Death by Pull-ups

With a continuously running clock perform 1 pull-up the first minute, 2 the second min, and so on. Continue until you are not able to perform the required number of pull-ups in a given minute. Kipping is allowed.  Post total rounds and partials.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thursday 110824

Back to lifting heavy S%^& - the good-ol' fashioned way

Back Squat

Sets will be done at 65%,75%, and 85% 1RM respectively. If you don't know what your 1RM is, then let me know and we can estimate it.
IMPORTANT: The final set will be performed to maximum reps (but will stop 1 rep short of failure). For those unfamiliar w/ this scheme, this is the Wendler 5/3/1 strength periodization methodology.

5 Rounds
30 Seconds Handstand Hold
30 Seconds of Sit-ups
Post loads and sit-up totals to comments.
Subtract 10 sit-ups from your total for each time you come out of your handstands before the end of 30 seconds.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tuesday 110823

Intensity is the most common variable in positive adaptation.

We'll work the same domain as we did on Saturday - working on quick explosive movements w/ full intensity over a very short duration using a moderate amount recovery time. The stimulus achieved in these type of WODs is powerful, and the effect on increasing your stamina is significant.

4 Rounds of:

6 iterations of 1 one barbell complex*, which is:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Behind the neck Push Press
THEN Run 200m

Rest 3 mins between rounds.

*Weight: 95/65; reps must be touch & go from the ground; barbell is not allowed to rest on the ground; barbell can only rest in the rack or behind the neck.

So in other words, you will perform 6 iterations of the barbell complex then run 200m. You will do this 4 times w/ 3:00 in between. Cool?

Post time of each round.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Saturday 110820

Great day to work on increasing our power, speed, and explosiveness while enhancing our ability to recover rapidly.

WOD 1: 3 Rounds

Clap Push Ups AMRAP. Just below failure. rest 10 sec
Push Ups AMRAP.  Just below failure.  rest 10 sec
Rest 3 min

WOD 2: 2 Rounds

1 Heavy Power Clean
6 Jump-over-the-box jump
Rest 3 min

WOD 3: 6 sets

20 sec AMRAP Hang Power Clean 85/55*
Sprint run 200 m @ 90%
rest 3 min

choose a weight in which you can perform non stop reps of power cleans for 20 sec (no pause on ground or in rack position), when the 20 sec timer goes off, sprint run 200 m @ 90% effort. You choose the power clean weight for all 7 sets; ensure the sprint is powerful for entire 200m

*you cannot change weight once chosen for 1st round

Ken Velez
Cell (Korea): 010-6566-4971
Dial toll-free from the US (+13hrs EDT): 703-531-8479
Skype name: metsek7

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thursday 110818

In the event I'm called back to the hospital  - here's what we should tackle:


For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday, August 08, 2011

The If, When, Why, and How You Should Scale

For those of you that don't have a CrossFit Journal subscription, I was able to pull this informative article in .pdf format from CrossFit Smyrna. Here's great quote:
"If the WOD calls for 30 clean and jerks at 155 pounds, it's clearly a met-con WOD. If you turn the workout into 30 single reps with a minute rest between them, you've missed the point."  (I'm talking to you Henry and your double unders)

I can't emphasize enough that your ability to successfully scale the workouts to your skill level WILL significantly increase your work capacity. One of my favorite coaches always says, "The most common variable in positive adaptation in intensity".  It's a strident belief that has served me well in 3 years of crossfit.

This article goes a long way in explaining if, why, when, and how you should scale.

Enjoy! -KenCFY

Tuesday 110809

For Time:
30 Clean & Jerks 95/65 lbs
20 Power Snatches 95/65 lbs
10 Thrusters 95/65

12 minute cap. Scale appropriately.


Chris and his patented whirly-bird miss on the double unders...



50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:
Double unders
Sit ups

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Foundations 11.9


Hyun Jo and Dan tackled the foundations class in some hot, muggy weather...  Great job gentlemen!!!

CF Yongsan Baseline Workout

800m run
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Hyun Jo - 9:58*
Dan - 10:16*

Saturday, August 06, 2011


Clean 1-1-1

Getting down to the last of our heavy lifts. We've been working all summer from 5-5-5s to 3-3-3s to now 1-1-1s.

New guy Dave easily did 50 squat cleans at a lighter weight to try and groove this new movement pattern into his brain. This is one reason why the Olympic lifts are so vital to your training, they literally train your brain to harness the strength you already possess and make you more 'athletic' in the process.

Great work everyone!!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Foundations 11.9

Foundations 11.9 is locked in.

Saturday 6 August from 10am to 12pm.

Outside Collier Field House at the grandstand.

5 athletes are already confirmed.

Click on "FREE INTRO" above to send us your info and reserve your spot.

Space is limited!!!  Hurry, click up there now...!!!

CrossFit Yongsan Foundations Classes

"Why do I need this 'Foundations' class...???

"I already know how to workout...?!?!?"

"But I used to do this "Functional" fitness boot camp at my old gym..."

Why do we want you to take a two-hour intro to CrossFit 'Foundations' class?

Lots of reasons.

It helps us to weed out the lazy or non-committed.  CrossFit is hard work.  Intensity is the key to nearly every measurable component of fitness you might like to improve: lower your blood pressure, lose fat, gain muscle, increase your LDL, lower your resting heart rate, improve your 2-mile run time, decrease your HDL...  none of these things can be found at the end of an hour on the elliptical.  Intensity is king.  If that is just not for you, we don't want to waste your time and we don't want you to waste ours...

Showing you the nine foundational CrossFit movements helps you more easily integrate into our group classes.  That way our coaches don't spend all of their time and energy on brand new athletes which wouldn't be fair to our seasoned athletes.  There are a lot of movements within CrossFit that you won't find in your regular 'Globo' Gym or Men's Fitness magazine so the Foundations class makes it all a little less confusing.

The Foundations classes also allow our coaches to evaluate your movement patterns and overall athleticism.  If you have previous injuries or glaring flexibility issues, then throwing around weights can get a little dangerous but if we know about any issues ahead of time we can adjust the workouts, or the weights, or reps to make your workout a little more manageable and safe.

Plus learning the movements up front will allow you to go to the gym and workout on your own with confidence, using proper body mechanics to keep you safe and injury free.

Lastly, a Foundations class gives you a chance to get to know some other new athletes, like-minded individuals who are ready to learn the CrossFit secret.  CrossFit is more than just a website or a 'workout of the day', it is a COMMUNITY of dedicated individuals all working towards similar goals.  It is a tight knit group of people who work hard and play hard.  Working out together will push you to workout harder than you every have in your life (there is that intensity again).  Suffering through seemingly impossible workouts, getting cheered on by your fellow athletes makes for an experience unlike anything you've ever experienced in a gym in your life.  There are no mirrors, we don't plug into our iPods and tune out on the elliptical, we don't watch a wall of TVs while inching through the same old boring workout while speaking to no one.  We get to know each other.  Friends for life.  We work hard.  We play hard.  Barbecues.  5k runs because we can.  Birthday parties.  Girls Night Out.  Hooker Hill.  Dragon shots.  Need I say more...?!?!?!??

If you are still with us, click on "FREE INTRO" at the top and shoot us your information and get into the next scheduled Foundations class.  These are held on Saturdays from 10am - 12pm when we have a group of 3-5 athletes ready to go.  You will get a confirmation email when the next class gets locked in.

CrossFit Yongsan Foundations Agenda

Introductions (5-min)
Deadlift (10-min)
Kettlebell swing (10-min)
Air squat (10-min)
CrossFit warm up (10-min) scaling/bands
Gymnastics (10-min) pull ups, dips, handstand push ups
Power clean (15-min) dumbbell, med ball, kettlebell
Front squat (10-min) dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell
Overhead squat (10-min) PVC, dumbbell, barbell
Press, push press, push jerk (15-min)
Rhabdo (5-min)
CF Yongsan baseline workout (10-min)

See you on Saturday...

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

An Explanation of the Strength/Heavy Lift Component of our WODs

So you took a look at the WOD and said "What the hell does 2-2-2-2-2 (At 1RM Squat Clean Weight)" mean? What's a Front Squat? What's a Squat Clean? What's a 1RM?"

First off, ask the coach! If you're confused about anything, that's what we're here to do!

Second, if you don't remember a movement and you want to know what it is before you come in, just Google it. I promise, it's on there. Got to YouTube and just search "Front Squat". Better yet, search "Crossfit Front Squat". Or you can go to the "exercises" section of and find most of the movements there.

Third, our nomenclature 2-2-2-2-2 means that you are to perform five "work sets" at as heavy a weight as you can. In most cases, you can and should start lighter and go up. But in some instances, we may ask you to do a certain percentage of your 1RM (One Rep Max) across all work sets. For example, you may be required to perform all sets of Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 at 90% 1RM.

Last, we recommend performing 2-4 warmup sets prior to the work sets. We do a guided warmup every day, but following that guided warmup and before these types of strength movements you should be doing a few sets of the movement at a lighter load to warmup.

A typical warmup template that we recommend for everyone is:

5×40% 1RM
5×50% 1RM
3×60% 1RM
If your response to this is "I don't know what my 1RM is!", then have no fear, another way to describe this is:

5x Really Light Weight
5x Light Weight
5x Moderate to Light Weight
3x Moderate Weight

Armed with this and the certainty that if you ask a coach a question, they will give you an answer, you should have no problems doing the strength portion of our WODs.

On a final note, remember to keep a personal WOD record. This is extremely helpful is coming into a WOD with a target load or time

Monday, August 01, 2011

Tuesday 110802


2 Strict Pull-ups
4 Goblet Squats (med. hi)
6 Knees-to-elbows