So in addition to training with you all at CrossFit Yongsan, I've also been working out inside Collier on my own since I arrived here last fall. I usually do my heavy powerlifts there then follow it up w/ a short metcon or skill work. Even though I trained exclusively at a nicely equipped CrossFit gym in DC for over 2 years, I'm often fairly pleased w/ the type and variety of workouts I can knock out at Collier. Yes, I'd love to have for them to have bumpers, KB's, and more rower…but I digress.
What usually leaves me with an impression is not the workout there. Rather what certainly leaves an indelible impression on me is the people working out around me and how fascinating it is to regularly train once again at a "big house" gym for the first time in a long time.
Now I don't want to get turn this into a rant on Collier, other base gyms, and Globo Gyms. That would be predictable and lame. But if you're thinking to yourself, "Gosh, working out inside Collier must be weird for you sometimes, Ken." Then I would say, "Yes. Hell yes." I say this b/c it's awfully hard to keep myself from "coaching". But I've never interjected on someone no matter how badly I needed to (think really dangerous deadlift form here)…..EXCEPT for one instance last week. I had to cut-in to some dude snatching so poorly he looked like he learned it from Men's Fitness or Maxim (does anyone read that anymore?). I thought I could give him a couple pointer and save him the wasted effort. But he looked at me like, "Who the hell are you, jerkoff?". He seriously looked pissed and embarrassed. So I demo'ed one for him then told him to have fun. He didn't seem to appreciate the effectiveness and humor of my whole "snatching in a phone booth" bit (funny, right?). That same workout, I watched some dude literally explaining to his buddy for 15 mins the importance of keeping "your wrist straight" in order to get the most out of those tricep cable extensions.
The CrossFit community can be very insular at times. We train at our own locations, view Crossfit blogs and videos with regularity, talk about Paleo incessantly, and we even rove in packs when we go out socially. But we at CrossFit Yongsan – coaches and athletes alike - should occasionally remind ourselves of where our new athletes are coming from and the facilities they train in whether that's Gold's, Bally's, 24Hr Fitness, and yes Collier Field House.
Here's an example how a trip back inside Collier or to any globo gym can change the way we welcome new athletes:
"Hey, man. Now I know we do things a little bit differently here then from what you might be used to or what you might know. I also recognize I might sound like a crazy person when I tell you that this 35 lb barbell could destroy you but may be light enough for most of our veteran female athletes here. But stick with me – I promise you there is a method to our madness and a proven logic behind our strict adherence to form and range of motion. And in the end, you'll be able to achieve your goals much better if you continue to give us a shot."
Welcome your new fellow athletes! Be patient, understanding, and helpful. They are the lifeblood of this community!