
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

TUESDAY 100330

Run 800m
30 push ups
10 box jumps
Run 400m
20 push ups
20 box jumps
Run 200m
10 push ups
30 box jumps

Gabriel - 11:48
Tyler - 12:00

5 rounds for time of:
Run 200m
10 push ups
10 box jumps

Williams - 11:00
LaToya - 11:30

Sunday, March 28, 2010



CrossFit Warm Up
1 squat
1 samson stretch
1 sit up
1 back extension
1 push up
1 pull up
2 squats...

Skill work: jump rope (we will be doing lots of these now that I have
a line on a good $2.00 Korean rope - we might have gotten laughed off
the playground today but we will get better)


6 rounds for time of:

400m run
25 push ups
25 sit ups

Partition the push ups and sit ups as needed to get through each round
of 25. In other words, you don't have to complete all 25 push ups
before doing sit ups, you can break them up and work back and forth to

Williams, Ryan and Henry had to leave early but all got through at
least three rounds.

CrazyWife - 23:30
Nicole - 24:00
CrazyHusband - 24:28

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Run Burpee Run


Despite some chilly weather and some early whinning by baby Toa and a few others who will remain nameless, we braved the cold wind to hit this terrible workout. Newcomers Tyler, Timberly and Peter braved the elements with us with Peter just crushing this workout.

Run Burpee Run

4 rounds for time of:
400m run
25 burpees

Peter - 17:00
Nicole - 17:30
Henry - 17:45 (3 rounds)
Tyler - 18:00
CrazyWife - 21:00
CrazyHusband - 22:05
LaToya - 23:00
Timberly - 23:30

Great work everyone!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

100 Perfect Push ups

TUESDAY 100323

100 Perfect Push ups
Perform as many perfect CrossFit push ups as you can in a row, when
you rest more than two seconds, jump up and run 400 meters. Come back
and continue with more push ups. Run another 400 meters everytime you
need a break. Continue until you get all the way to 100 perfect push

Nicole - 9:59 (45 push ups)
Mike - 10:00 (75)
Ryan - 10:20 (75)
Williams - 10:30 (45)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Combat Fitness Test


Stole this one out of the Air Force Times. It was trying to mimic the Marine Corps Combat Fitness Test but without all of the equipment.

800m run
50 walking lunges
400m run
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Steve - 9:06
Gabriel - 9:52
Nicole - 12:03
LaToya - 12:35
Henry - 14:15

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

New Challenge - Paleo/Zone

I know we just finished with the 30 day Paleo challenge, most everyone has reported somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-10 lbs of weight loss... congrats to all who are still working on it. Crazy Husband and I have moved on to Paleo/Zone, check out the Zone at
lots of good resources, really it's just a cleaner version of Paleo and if you're still having a hard time with Paleo, the zone let's you eat those packaged goods (bread, pasta, etc....) just not with every meal so moderation is key! Two days into the challenge, and I feel great... although I'm not very nice if I don't eat right after I work out! I've almost got it figured out, need to do a bit more tweaking! Also we are tracking everything on it's free and easy to use, also I've found tracking everything... makes a huge difference about what you do and don't put in your gullet! Well - if you're interested join on in!

Today's totals for Crazy Wife: 12 blocks (3/1/3/1/3/1) - haven't been very good about the snack!
Calories: 1677, Fat: 103g (56%), CHO: 59.6g (14%), Protein: 124.7g (30%)

Friday, March 05, 2010

No Classes til 20 March!!!

Due to the Key Resolve exercise, there will be NO CLASSES for two weeks.

See you Saturday 20 MARCH at 0900...!!!

Monday, March 01, 2010

30-Day Paleo Challenge - Final Update

While we are both happy with the results thus far, we have come to the end of our challenge and we are going to continue to improve upon our eating.

CrazyWife and I both lost about 9 pounds apiece on our Paleo Diet. This was mostly in the first week when we weren't sprinkling in as many cheat meals (SuperBowl) or going on trips to places with very little meat.

1 March signals a new beginning where we are going to work harder to stay away from the dreaded carbs, mostly in the form of soda, ice cream and hamburger/fries in this family.

I'm going to be using to keep track of my macronutrients and to see where my vitamins and minerals shake out. I will post weekly or monthly progress depending on how the numbers go. My only two goals are to keep Carbohydrates between 50-100 grams per day and Protein between 150-200 grams per day.