Monday, March 30, 2009
Happy Birthday CrazyHusband!!!
See you all on Friday!!!
We had so many folks show up today that we had to try a "fun" group workout.
CrossFit Warm up (CFWU)
3x10 reps of the following:
Samson Stretch (15 sec each leg)
Sit ups
Back extensions
Pull ups
WOD: complete the following as a team. Only two members can work at any one time. Rotate completely through the first exercise before moving on to the next...
200 pull ups
300 push ups
400 sit ups
500 squats
Henry thought I was crazy when I let them know the workout until he realized we would be completing this one in two groups of five. I am officially senile because I can't remember everyone's names and times on a consitant basis. I will bring a log book to track who is showing up and how they are progressing so I can get this right.
Team B (Bad Guys) finished in 21:30
SFC Randolph
Bad Tomsik
Phil (new guy - welcome - great job today)
Good Guys (Team 1) finished in 21:20
Good Tomsik (new gal - welcome - hard worker)
Nick(?-getting in combatives shape)
Mitch(?-getting in combatives shape)
Henry (dropping weight like it's his job)
The quiet before the storm. Where we all meet in the corner of the gym at Collier Field House waiting for all of our fellow CrossFitters to show up. Our numbers continue to grow and grow...
Henry is just excited to find out what the Workout of the Day (WOD) is going to be. CrossFit prepares your for any functional task by throwing different workouts at you every time you show up. You will never get bored with this system. Can your workout say the same thing???
Getting in some good squat therapy during the CrossFit Warm up. A dynamic warm up is far superior to just static stretching for getting your muscles ready to face any challenge. That's why the incidence of injury is so low with CrossFit workouts. Technique, then consistency, then intensity ensures that everyone can perform the movements safely and effectively. Does your workout do all that for you too???
There was alot of teamwork going on in today's workout. That's the beauty of CrossFit. It treats fitness like sport and makes everyone an elite athlete who's fighting to help out their buddy so they can all finish the workouts faster...
We were literally fighting over space on the pull ups bars. Reminds me of all those people fighting over the elliptical machines and treadmills. Not really, we're actually doing some serious work, not listening to our headphones, or watching T.V. or reading a book, or zoning out. We are only focused on one thing... getting more fit...
Lots of hard work went into all of those pull ups... great work everyone!!!
Everyone fighting for that elusive next rep...
Ryan showing off some wicked perfect CrossFit push ups!!! Chin, chest and thighs all touch the ground at the bottom of a full range of motion. Technique. Then consistency and finally intensity...
CrazyMonkey giving me a hand with some of my sit up reps... every little bit helps...
Newcomer "On time" Tomsik is getting her first taste of CrossFit-y goodness. Here she's working through LOTS of squats. Spreading her feet a little bit wider, with her toes pointed out a little wider would allow her to sink down into a little deeper squat and engage those hamstrings. If her quads are really sore tomorrow and her gluts and hamstrings are not, we'll know what she needs to work on that depth for sure... Great work today!!!
Newcomer Mitch(?) getting his squat form down on day one. He thought he had significant flexiblity issues but it looks like it worked itself out during the workout. Excellent work!!!
Henry showing off his improved hip flexiblity with a perfect looking squat.
Here our newest member Phil (black shirt) probably needs to work on his hip flexiblity to get that depth required to protect the knees. Getting the hips just below the knees cap (parallel) is key in engaging the hamstrings and taking that stress off the knees. You can see Trigg (to the left) not going deep enough with causes his quads to pull him forward up onto his toes. You should stay back on your heels to generate the most force through your hips. That and turning his toes out will allow him to get to that nice depth a little easier.
SFC Randolph has great depth on his squat (it's really coming along nicely) but he needs to work on keeping his knees pushed out so that this thighs track out over his toes. Knees out and toes out a little more should fix him right up. You've gotta like Ryan's full extension at the top of his squat. Getting those hips to fully open explosively is the key to all athletic movements.
CrazyMonkey working on his squat form early...
Shoulder Press
Power Cleans
We had a small group on Saturday so they got some special attention with some coaching on the shoulder press and the power clean.
David locking out some heavy shoulder presses...
Trigg pushin some heavy weight early on a Saturday morning...
Ryan looking very strong as well...
Kyeong showing off her muscles for all the boys...
David and I had fun teaching the various aspects of the power clean. It is a complicated movement the first time you try it. Definitely harder than just laying on a bench and pressing some weight every other day. The power clean requires not only Power and Speed, but also Coordination, Accuracy, Balance, and Coordination. Does your workout provide all those benefits...???
Ryan with a strong pull from the floor, getting ready for the "second pull" and the hip explosion that brings the bar up to the catch position...
Kyeong getting serious about her cleans. Once she started getting the movement pattern down, she wanted to pull more reps and more weight. Could she be ready to be a CrossFitter...???
Trigg losing all the power from his hip extension by bending his arms before his hips are fully extended (notice his bent knees). This is an explosive movement whose power is generated almost completely from the hip drive. The arms should remain straight to transfer that power from the hips down to the bar. As soon as you bend the arms, you mute the power and you can't pull as much weight. Remember kids, hip drive, then shrug, then dive under the bar and get those elbows around in front as fast as you can. We will come back to these, this is a phenomenal movement that will make your entire body stronger very quickly...
Great work guys!!!
FRIDAY 090327
CF Yongsan took advantage of the better weather by hitting a nice Metcon outside in the elements. It was a little chilly for everyone but once we got going, no one noticed.
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 squats
15 push ups
9 squats
I owe everyone more burpees since I didn't write down everyone's times and I didn't get Dressen's friend's name down either. He liked his first workout though so I know he'll be back. Everyone hit this one hard, mostly so they could get back inside and out of the wind...
Crazy Husband
Dressen's friend
Trigg and newcomer Nick getting after the pull ups...
Dressen looking good working on his "Pose" running form...
CrazyHusband pullin some heavy weight up over the bar...
Kyeong sporting some great squat form. She is ready to crank up the intensity to really see the benefit of these workouts...
Henry wanted to give in to this workout but we were all there to cheer him on and he finished strong. Great job man!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Time Trials
move on to the next workout in any order. Complete all 6 workouts
within one hour.
Row 1,000m
Run 800m
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 pull ups
100 air squats
Everyone hit this one hard. Lots of good sweatin was had by all. The
more they suffer, the more people they bring to workout with us.
Hmmmmm... shared suffering... (Homer Simpson voice... "Goood")
Great work everyone!!! Now start recruiting more women dammit!!!
Doc Baker
Too many times to list with this little iPhone keyboard but everyone
got a good workout as evidenced by the spasms in Dressen's back and in
Henry's arms...
Did I mention Henry has lost 12 kilos in the last 30 days of
CrossFit!!! That's like 25 pounds!!! Jesus boy, keep up the great
work!!! You'll be our poster child in no time...
Sent from my iPhone
MONDAY 090323
Perform 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the following:
Row (calories)
Pull ups
Medicine Ball cleans
Doc Baker - 17:15
Dressen - 24:12
Ryan - 26:10
Henry - 15:00 (6-5-4-3-2-1)
Great job guys!!! I owe you Burpees if I screwed up the times...
"Horrible Hundred"
Stole this one from another affiliate and it seemed to be a good one. I was contemplating doing this one but I wanted to run in the semi-weekly 5k run on post that happens almost every Saturday so I skipped out... thank goodness...
Horrible Hundred
Load the bar up with 5s, 10s, 25s and then 45s so the weights look inverted on the bar and so you can strip the weight after each exercise.
25 Deadlifts (215#)
25 Full squat cleans (125#)
25 Thrusters (75#)
25 Overhead Squats (45#)
David hit this one nice and hard as usual, killed it in about 11 minutes (maybe less). John finished up in a respectable 15:41. Kyeong finished right after the boys.
Gotta love David's depth on these squat cleans... thing of beauty!!! Great job David!!!
Now I'm either demonstrating the hip function in the power clean or I'm turning into a very old man already...
John fighting through those thrusters... glad I decided against this one today...
Kyeong breaking her thrusters into a front squat and then an overhead press. That's what happens when you get tired, you lose efficiency. We've got to get her some faster hips (and maybe a boyfriend or two as well...?!?!??) Good job girl!!! We'll get you off yer yoga, pilates, spin class addiction yet and make you a real CrossFitter...!!!
John finishing strong with some Overhead Squats... great work man!!!
CrazyMonkey was out of gas after this one too... too bad there wasn't room in there for me...
FRIDAY 090320
My first day back from the field and if I remember right, only one person showed up today. Going to have to ask Lillian if she remembers what they were wearing...?!??
That should explain the lack of posting here, now just need to dig up some photos and some workout times and I'll be good... wish me luck!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Where the hell is freddy?
Run 400
21 deadlifts/Pullups
21 pushups/situps
Run 400
15 deadlifts/pullups
15 pushups/situps
Run 400
9 deadlifts/pullups
9 pushups/situps
11:04 ortiz
11:36 bill
12:56 henry
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, March 14, 2009
"Crazy Martin"
Round 1:
50 Push-ups, 40 Lunge steps with 30# DB, 21 pull-ups, 15 Thrusters with .75 BWT (DB), 30 - 30# DB snatches (30 on each side, witch sides as often as you like)
Round 2:
40 Push-ups, 30 Lunge steps, 15 pull-ups, 12 Thrusters, 25 DB snatches
Round 3:
30 Push-ups, 20 Lunge steps, 9 pull-ups, 9 Thrusters, 20 DB snatches
Everyone truly thought we were crazy at the gym - especially our group of CrossFitters :)
Kyong (15#) 25:55
Bill (25#) 26:45
David (60#/30#) 31:05
And of course Crazy Monkey was ever present - he worked on his soccer skills....
Friday, March 13, 2009
Jay, Henry, and a new face - Ortiz came to play! Overall, everyone had a great time with lots of "I'm going to puke" and "my arms are going to fall off" comments - so you know it was a great WOD!
Jay 13:05
Henry & Ortiz 15:35
Due to a staggered start (and only one rower at Collier) Jay finished tabata sprints on the treadmill, incline: 10%, rate 7.5, for 8 rounds!!
Great Job Everyone!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Linda sweet Linda
take the bench between sets. One gym goer asked what the purpose of a
clean was - mind you he was sitting on a reverse inclined bench press
aparatus... I felt like asking him the same question and how long had
he been at the gym today "working out?" At any rate Doc finished at
13:05 next time...
Linda cont
Doc wanted to be able to walk tomorrow!)
Deadlift - 185#
Bench Press - 115#
Clean - 95#