With the weather outside just a little bit too cold to do some good ole' fashioned running, we were warming up in the hallways waiting for some space to open up. We ended up hitting a nice WOD in one of the racquetball courts. I thought for sure with all the noise we were making that we would get kicked out but that never happened. I guess I'm losing my touch...
CrossFit Warm up (CFWU)
10 Overhead Squats
Samson stretch
10 sit ups
10 back extensions
10 push ups
10 pull ups
Workout of the Day (WOD):
21-15-9 reps for time of the following:
Air squats
Push ups
Sit ups
Slam balls
Overhead squats
Pull ups
Trigg - 17:20
Jae - 17:44
Doc Baker - 19:36
John - 21:07
Davina - 24:42
Randolph - 25:10
James - 26:01
Strong work everyone!!!

Warming up in the hallway. Why do all the "bodybuilders" need so many water breaks...??? I think they might be either too weak or too lazy...

Davina striking a pose while loosening up her shoulders and upper back with shoulder dislocates...

A little "squat therapy" will improve your hip and hamstring flexibility and will make you stronger through the full range of motion. A powerful hip extension (standing up rapidly) is the key component to almost every athletic endeavor.

Doc Baker getting extra deep on his squats. He must be ready to start packing on the weight...

This workout must have been too easy if Jae found the time to pose for the cameras. I guess I am losing my touch in programming challenging workouts. It looks like it's back to the drawing board...

Pull ups quickly became a team event. We just don't like to focus on our weaknesses and we usually workout only our strengths. Back & Bi's, Chest & Tri's and daily hamster raises on the elliptical anyone...???
The beauty about CrossFit is that it quickly and efficiently exposes any weaknesses and teaches you to embrace those challenges as a means to improve your overall fitness level, thereby making you better able to tackle any challenge that you may face in real life.
Isn't that what we should be training for in the first place?!?!!? Not just 2 minutes of push ups, 2 minutes of sit ups and a 2 mile run.
Combat is nothing like the Army Physical Fitness Test. You won't get 10 minutes of rest between fire fights...
What is your fitness program preparing you for...??!?!!?

Working hard and working on proper form with slam balls and overhead squats. Overhead squats are one of the most potent "ab" exercises out there. How much can you overhead squat...??? Don't know??? Come find out!!!

When is the last time you really got a sweat going during one of your workouts??? When is the last time your workout was too much to handle after 20-30 minutes???

Jae finally getting to work on those pull ups... these weren't hard when we were kids were they??? What happened to us???

Doc Baker looking STRONG on his pull ups. Someone has been doing his homework. I guess it helps when you have some nice pull up bars in your backyard...

SFC Randolph dropped his gym membership at "The Point" after just one CrossFit workout. What did he find out in those butt-kicking first 10 minutes...??!?!!?
If you are ready for something different...
Something that actually works...
If you are ready for the best general fitness program on the planet...
Come see if you are right for CrossFit...
Come see what SFC Randolph already knows...