
Tuesday, December 29, 2009



Jim, Steve and CrazyWife hit the gym for some Dan John Rapid Ascent.

Power Clean 8-6-4
Two work sets at a weight you can lift 8 times, then 6 times, then 4 times. Increase weight in second work set and do 8, 6, and 4 again. Best way is to work with a partner and rest just as long as it takes them to take their turn.

Shoulder Press 8-6-4
Two work sets

Front Squats 8-6-4
Two work sets

This is a great beginner weightlifting routine if you are just starting out or if you're coming off a long break to get back into it. It's not too heavy and it's not too much volume but it will still kick your butt in a good way. This can be done 3 days a week to build good general strength or 1 day a week to supplement your existing programming.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

New "Deadheads"


Jim and I were unsuccessful in our search for the elusive "Henry" at the gym but were joined by three newcomers for some heavy deadlifts. Gabriel, Aldrich and Alex joined us and learned one of the best exercises for building strength in the gym...

Deadlifts 3-3-3-3-3

Jim definitely getting stronger. Working his way up to a 3 rep max of 355...

Gabriel trying to find those elusive upper and lower back muscles to lock them in and protect the spine for lifting heavier weights...

Alex thinking so hard about this move that he's bending his arms.

Aldrich has the back locked in perfectly, just need to get his hips (ass) up a little higher to bring his shoulders just a hair in front of his hands and over the bar more.

All-in-all, a good day of lifts from everyone. Hopefully they aren't too sore to keep working out next week...


Tabata Push ups

6 rounds of 20 seconds of push ups and 10 seconds rest. Score is the lowest number of reps in a round.

Jim - 10
Gabriel - 10
Aldrich - 8
CrazyHusband - 6
Alex - 5

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Heavy Thrusters


Rusty, Jim, Brad and Steve got after some heavy thrusters, working up towards their 5 rep maxes.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Strictly Saturdays...

CrossFit Yongsan is contracting it's hours for the holidays/winter.
Class sizes were dwindling and folks are starting to take leave so we
will only meet on Saturday mornings at 8am. Sorry for any

If you are visiting Korea or just want a good CrossFit butt-kicking,
shoot us a note and we can schedule a one-on-one.

Mike & Lillian

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Back squat and shoulder press


Back squat 5-5-5-5-5
Shoulder press 5-5-5-5-5

Jim, Steve, and Gabriel braved the cold for a little lifting in the
gym. They worked up towards a 5 rep max on nice, deep back squats and
some strict shoulder press. The finisher was one set of max rep pull

Sent from my iPod.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Saturday Workout!!!

We'rrrrreeeee baaaaaacccckkkk...!!!

Or we will be Friday night so we will be at Collier Field House at 8am
to knock the jet lag off...

See you there...

Sent from my iPod.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jackson "Toa" - 8lbs 6ozs

CrossFit Yongsan off til DEC...!!!

CrazyWife had the baby early so CrazyMonkey and I are off to Hawaii
until DEC 5th to spend time with our new bundle of joy.

No classes until SAT 5 DEC. Will keep you updated here as DEC gets

Lemme know if anyone wants some quick, and brutal workouts posted
during the break...

Sent from my iPod.



Jim was the sole survivor to show up on Saturday. He works out almost
every single day, sometimes twice. After perfecting your technique,
consistency is the next step to greatness even before beginning to
ramp up the intensity. Therefore if you aren't hitting your workouts
when your scheduled to and you continually slip, you will have a very
hard time seeing any gains in your fitness. Just sayin...

Today's WOD

4 rounds for time of:

100 singles - weighted jump rope
Max rep push ups

Jim - 9:18 (37-20-20-20)

Great work man...!!!

Sent from my iPod.

Thursday, October 22, 2009



Another light crowd on "family day" despite really mild workout weather. The residual Blackhawk helicopters from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs visit provided all the motivation (for me anyway) of a large group of CrossFitters...

Modified our standard 800-50-50 today:
Run 800 meters
50 push ups
50 pull ups
Run 800m
50 push ups
50 squats
Run 800m
50 push ups
50 sit ups

Break up the exercises anyway you can to get 50 reps done...

Jim - 23:10
Brad - 25:35
LaToya - 28:12

Jim and Brad getting after the pull ups in the first round...

Nothing like a Blackhawk to provide the background "music" for your workout...

LaToya and Brad still pullin strong...

Brad showing off his Level I Certified squat from a recent certification in Okinawa, Japan. There is nothing like highly qualified CrossFit coaches taking a hard look at your technique...

CrazyMonkey showing off his "cheezy" grin from picture day at school...

Is it really starting to get dark at 6pm? Did I miss some daylight savings somewhere...

LaToya getting into a good deep squat with some help from newcomer Brad (she doesn't listen to me anymore?)...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Push up Box Jump Ladder

TUESDAY 091020

Perform two rounds each from 1 to 10 and back down to 1...

1 push up; 1 box jump
2 push ups; 2 box jumps
3 push ups; 3 box jumps...

...9 push ups; 9 box jumps
10 push ups; 10 box jumps
9 push ups; 9 box jumps
8 push ups; 8 box jumps...

...3 push ups; 3 box jumps
2 push ups; 2 box jumps
1 push up; 1 box jump

Newcomer Rob hit this one hard getting through two rounds in 15:03 on the 9 inch box. LaToya came in second in 19:23. Kristi went through one round of 1-10-1 before taking a break. Good luck on tomorrow's PT Test.

Mike and Bryan tackled the 13 inch box and finished neck and neck in 20:26 and 20:32 respectively...

Don't worry, that's wet grass on the box, not dripping sweat...

Everyone was working up a sweat in this one despite the cooler temperatures...

But they still had time to pose for CrazyMonkey's camera...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


TUESDAY 091013

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Jim - 15 rounds + pull ups (with 20# weight vest)
Natasha - 12 rounds + pull ups
Henry - 12 rounds + pull ups

Great job guys!!!



Today's WOD:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

Run 100m
1 pull up
1 push up
1 squat
Run 100m
2 pull ups
2 push ups
2 squats
Run 100m
3 pull ups
3 push ups
3 squats...

Jim - 15 rounds
Kristi - 12 rounds
Chu - 14 rounds

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Dumbbell Heaven


Four showed up early enough to get their own dumbbells for some old fashioned pain. Trigg was the only one who's been here long enough to have done this workout early this year. It still sucks...

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform 5 reps of the following:

5 DB deadlifts
5 DB power cleans
5 DB thrusters

Rest for the remainder if the minute before the next round starts. Count the number of rounds you complete in the appropriate minute + any more rounds you get after resting after a failed round.

Trigg (35# DB) 20 rounds
Jim (30# DB) 20 rounds
Bryan (25# DB) 16 rounds + 3 rounds
LaToya (20# DB) 7 rounds + 8 rounds

Getting full range of motion on each exercise is critically important to engaging your hamstrings and glutes. Explosive hip extension (standing up straight - very quickly) is key in almost every athletic endeavor imaginable...

Getting low enough to engage your hamstrings and glutes will help save your quads which are smaller, weaker muscles on the front of your thighs. That explosive hip extension will help propel the weight (in this case the dumbbell) and save your smaller muscles (your quads, arms...) which tend to fatigue very quickly...

The best part of any CrossFit workout is the... END!!!

Henry didn't make it in time to get in on the dumbbell fun so he got to try a push up ladder.

Do 1 push up the first minute and increase an additional rep every minute on the minute...

Henry rocked this workout with 18 rounds meaning he just finished all 18 push ups in the 18th round in those 60 seconds. That is a total of 171 push ups with really good range of motion. Great work brother!!!

Probably lifting some weights on Saturday at 0800 and then running the 5k at 0930 with Henry...

Run Burpee Run

TUESDAY 091006

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Trigg's Revenge...


Trigg talked us into doing "Murph" for his last workout with us and then...

didn't show up...

So we modified and still suffered a little. Murph is one of the CrossFit "heroes" workouts so it is a monster. Run 1 mile. 100 pull ups. 200 push ups. 300 squats. Run 1 mile. Wear a 20-lb weight vest if you've got it. OUCH. This one takes about an hour for most mere mortals...

Luckily we broke it up into about a half Murph worth of work.

Today's WOD:

As many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
400m run
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

With a weight vest if you got it...

Jim - 8 rounds
Mike D - 7 rounds + 100m run
Nicole - 6 rounds + run
LaToya - 6 rounds + run

No vests:
Steve - 8 rounds + run
Natasha - 7 rounds + run
Kristen - 7 rounds + run
Jeff - 7 rounds
Sue - 6 rounds
Henry - 5 rounds + run

Great work everyone!!!

The girls (without vests) got after the pull ups from the get go...

This ole' man can still do some 'perfect' push ups but is the 20-lb weight vest forcing you all the way down considered 'cheating' somehow...?

Full range of motion is important in the squat as well...

Full range of motion pull ups with a weight vest on is pure motivation...

More workouts with our vests might be in order. A little discomfort can be a good thing...

Everyone was happy to get those vests off at the end...

Our newest members debating the merits of CrossFit vs. yoga...

We've got Henry worrying about his nutrition so much that he's packing post-workout Myoplex drinks in anticipation of a good butt-kicking... Keep losin' those kilos brother...

Natasha is really stretching out after an unusually long workout of 30 minutes. Maybe that's why we chuckle when people say they have to go to the gym for an hour or more...

CrazyMonkey hanging around with everyone after the workout...

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Baseline WOD, Again, & Again

Thursday 091001

Everyone thought they'd like a go at the Baseline WOD:
800 m Run/40 Squats/30 Situps/20 Pushups/10 Pullups

Awesome job the first, second, and third round!

Jim 5:15/6:30/7:17
Trigg 5:20/Run 9:32
Bryan 6:30/Rest/9:57
Nicole 7:13/8:17/9:58
Kristen 7:13/7:57/9:57
Toya 7:56/7:55/8:55
Henry 8:30/Rest/8:55
Baskin 8:51/Rest/8:40

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lunges and Handstands

TUESDAY 090929

We played around with some Knees-to-Elbows before our workout. A little bit of regular skill work goes a long way...

Drop sets of KTEs were just enough to get everyone more comfortable with the movement and very warmed up for the WOD...

Lots of us still need practice on our handstands. Something about going upside down and supporting your body weight gets lost after out time on the playground as kids...

It was not easy getting this photo of two nice looking handstands at the same time. Great work everyone!!!

Workout of the Day (WOD):

5 rounds for time of:
30 meter walking lunges
5 handstand push ups (*or kick ups into 5 handstands)

Trigg - 9:38
LaToya - 10:00
Glover - 10:30
Henry - 11:00
Bryan - 12:04

Final Results from FGB IV...

The results are in. Team CrossFit Yongsan raised more than $3,000 dollars for Athletes for the Cure and the Wounded Warrior Foundation. Marine SGT Michael Pawlus raised an amazing $1,500 by himself. Great work Mike!!!

17 athletes competed in the event, most for the very first time and they put out an amazing energy even as they were kicking their own butts...

Great job everyone!!!

Can't wait for next year...!!!

Fight Gone Bad IV photos are posted!!!

CrossFit Yongsan FGB IV 20090926

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fight Gone Bad IV devastation...


Today, Saturday 26 September, hundreds of CrossFit affiliates from around the globe united for one workout and two causes. Fight Gone Bad was the workout and Athletes for a Cure and the Wounded Warrior Foundation were the causes. The goal: raise $1 Million dollars.

Currently, the total raised is over $960,000 dollars with more money coming in as affiliates hosted their workouts.

Team CrossFit Yongsan raised almost $3,000 dollars for the cause...

CrossFit Yongsan also had the privilege of hosting the first FGB of the day worldwide...

This is the quiet before the storm. Everything is set up and all the Saturday 5k runners are wondering if we have any free stuff for them...


The CrossFit workout is 'Fight Gone Bad'. In this workout you spend one minute at each of five stations, resulting in a five-minute round after which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for three rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of 'rotate', the athletes must move to the next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except for the rower, where each calorie is one point.

The stations are:
1. Wall ball, 10ft target (reps)
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull (reps)
3. Box jump (reps)
4. Push-press (reps)
5. Row (calories)

We rotated through 3 of the divisions today.

Class A: Standard Men = 75lb push press and sumo deadlift high pull, 20-lb wall ball and 20-inch box jump (we had 24 inches, take that...)
Class B: Modified Men/Standard Women = 55lb push press and sumo deadlift high pull, 14-lb wall ball and 20-inch box jump
Class C: Intermediate = 35lb push press and sumo deadlift high pull, 8lb wall ball and 20-in box jump

The devastation came fast and furious as the 1st heat of Class A men went out a little too fast on the first round. Excitement and anticipation got the best of them and it left bodies in the wake. Rob and Steve were layed out, and Jim wanted to curl up in a ball and go to his 'happy place'...

Jim pulled an impressive score of 220, Rob was close behind with a 215 and an amazing 37 calories on his very first row (West Point Crew) and Steve got a 193. Good work gentlemen!!!

Mike Pawlus led the way in fundraising pulling in over half of all our money with an amazing $1,300+ raised. He also got a nice 184 in Class A in Heat #1. Good job man!!!

Ruben joined us from Area I and had a nice 213 in Class B...

Natasha and Toni also made the trip from Area I (Camp Hovey) and got a 216 and 171 respectively in Class B. Great job ladies!!!

LaToya put in some good work pulling a hard earned 247 in Class C...

I started strong and faded but still pulled a second-best 266 in Class A in the final heat...

Regan also finished us out in the final heat at Class A with a respectable 176 for his first workout with us. Great job man!!!

No one else got caught by the camera laid out on the ground (wondering if they were working hard enough-just kidding...) so their scores are listed here.

Trigg - Class A - 267 (highest of the day after sneaking out of the office for a quick workout...!!!)
Henry - Class A - 226
Alden - Class C - 261
Nicole - Class C - 220
LTC Rhodes - Class B - 236
Gerald - Class C - 296 (after warming up with the 5k run - welcome to CrossFit)
Don - Class A - 228 (from CrossFit Bonifas in Area I)

The iDVD presentation set to music will be posted to YouTube and our blog soon. And we had many more great pictures of some bad ass performances captured for posterity. I will figure out how to get all those pictures posted to Flickr so that everyone can show them off to their family and friends...

17 athletes. One brutal workout. Two great causes.

What a great day!!!

CrazyMonkey even got in on the action with some strong rowing. When workouts are fun, three year olds naturally want in on the fun.

How often do your kids scream and yell that they "wanna go workout..."???